Yesterday, I met a girl around my age from Scandinavia, she came to Northern Europe with her grandma and her father. She said she was coming here to learn about other places. I asked her what it was like living in Scandinavia, she told me that she was cold all year long, and their aren't many crops that grow. "Everyday in my house I have to wear coat after coat, and it is very, very cold. " She said, "What is it like living here in Northern Europe?" I hesitated to answer, because I have a quiet, nice life, the weather is fairly mild, and I never go hungry. " Well, the winters can be pretty cold" I said, there was a long pause. "Well, it looks like the crops grow pretty well here, there is plenty of water, and the people seem very nice." She happily replied. "   I didn't want to brag, but she was right. I much rather prefer living here than there. "My grandmother lived in Scandinavia, she said its freezing cold there, we are lucky  compared to her." She said. "Yes, we are. " I replied awkwardly. I know I live in the right place, but she seemed to be insulting me, in my eyes, I mean, I really like where I live. She seemed to be saying that I have the easiest life, but I am a person too. "It doesn't  matter where you live, we all have an equal amount of hardships in our life." I ended the conversation with that.
       Last week, and this week, we are learning about Punnet Squares. Punnet squares help you determine what genotype two parents will pass on to their children. Like if a Pp and another one was pp, then a punnet square would be used to find out what the genotype of their child might be. Also, if a parent had Ll for long nose, and ll for a short nose, then it would be impossible for the child to have a medium nose, because that genotype isn't presented. Another thing is, if the parent is purebred, or homozygus, their genotype is either two capital letters, or two lowercase letters, like OO or oo. Lowercase letters are the recessive gene, meaning they are not dominant, like upper case letters. So if a parent had Cc and a parent has cc, then their is still only 25% chance of the child have cc. 
      I like learning about punnet squares, it is really fun, and very interesting. It was very easy for me to pick up on, and I look forward to the test this Friday. Au demain (see you tomorrow)!!
My grandma let me keep the dog, but I think it might have been a bad idea. He pees and poops everywhere, and he can't listen. He is like a defiant 3 year old. I named him Rib, I was thinking about Bones, but that name would just bring back sad memories. I checked him for fleas and took him to get his papers, he really is a sweet dog, though. I need to buy him food, but I don't have enough money to, we got an eviction notice yesterday and I didn't have the heart to tell my grandma. She stays in her recliner all day watching reruns of American Idol, she says one day she'll be watching me on that show from the clouds, but hearing her say that only makes me cry myself to sleep every night. I try to keep myself occupied so the thoughts don't start provoking tears, but I see the occasional hospital, grave yard, or old person and the thoughts entangle themselves in my mind, she is so sweet, my grandma, I can't stand watching her die in our lonely house. She needs to be in a safer enviroment, she needs to go to a nursing ho
       My grandma is feeling worse every day her face is like snow, except its burning hot. She can't move, or even talk. I keep thoughts running through my mind about what I would do without her. Where would I live? I'm only a freshman. Would I go to an orphanage, or too a Foster home? My whole family would be dead, I would be all alone. Although, now that I think about it, I'm always alone. Don't take it the wrong way, though. Its not always a bad thing. Sometimes, walking down the hallways of my school, I feel like its better to be alone than having to argue with one of my friends or get in a fight because of the people I hang out with. So now that I think about it. I am glad I'm a loner. I am open to friendships, but they have to find me. I think about my grandma while I am at school. She could die while I'm not there. What would happen to her?   She only weighs 80 pounds, and she refuses to keep anything down. I tried to puree food, but she just spits it back up. I can't handle her death well, especially right before her birthday. 
        Today, as I was walking home, I saw a dog. He is one of those sheepdogs. I know this sounds fake, but it followed me home. My grandma said her first word as it walked in, "Bones?". We had a dog named Bones when I was little. He died after getting hit by a car. He looks sort of looks like Bones. I tried to answer as nicely as I could, "No grandma, it's not bones, he followed me home from school, and I think he wants to live here with us. Can he stay?" I didn't know what I was getting myself into, I can't take care of myself, my grandma, and a dog, I have to let this go.
Yesterday, I P.E., we had to do boot camp, I thought it was going to be the worst experience in my laugh, I was right. We stretched a little first, and talked, had some fun, but right after we took roll, the torture started. We had to do 100 jumping jacks, which wasn't hard. I was hoping that was it, but soon learned not to get my hopes up. Then, we did 60 sit and jumps, that's when you sit, then stand up, jump, and then sit back down continually. Then we did 60 squats, but we rested in the middle. After the squats, we had to do 60 lunges. I wasn't that worn out after those, but then we started the push ups, and sit ups. We did about 50 of each, my face was pretty sweaty and very red. Afterwards we did about 50 leg raises to the front, and then 40 on each side. I am so sore, now but it was worth the grade. I am not looking forward to the next boot camp.
Last week, in science, we started learning about genes and traits. As a project for this unit, we got to make our own paper pets. You had to flip a coin if you flipped heads then tails or Vise Versa or heads then heads, it was blue. if you flipped tails then tails, it was yellow. Mine was blue. I named him Colin, then I mated Colin with the girl next to me's pet. Hers was blue too, however we both flipped heads, then tails, so our pets both carried the recessive gene of yellow. Then, we each flipped a coin to determine whether the babies were yellow or blue, had round or square eyes, triangular, or oval nose, and square or pointed teeth. Surprisingly, even though our pets were still blue 50% of our pets were yellow, which means my pet passed on a yellow trait three times, and so did hers. 
       I really liked this assignment I found it really interesting, and easy to learn. I had a great time with my partner, and making my pet grandchildren. Peace!!!
       For my New Year's Resolution, I am going to start improving my performing. I am going to start going to my voice lessons regularly, because I really need to practice so I can make more progress, and become a better performer. I used to go every week, but I stopped after I had a bad cold. Now I have one scheduled for today after school. Also, I am going to focus on facial expression, and creating the scene. This acting skill will also help improve my confidence on stage, if I know that i am looking the part.  I usually don't practice my acting, because there is never a time when I actually need it, except when singing, but now it is crucial for me to practice. Finally, I am going to start getting help with my dance. I am already pretty good, but not at tap dances. So first, I am going to buy some tap shoes, and then start some new lessons with a new teacher. I usually manage pretty well without tapping, but I think I might be able to start getting better than I already am. 
       I will definitely need some help with this goal, but I'm sure I will be able to improve my performing with ease once I get the right guidance. These goals (once achieved) will help me be prepared for auditions, and performing on the spot. I should be able to achieve these goals in less than 4 months. So, yeah, that's pretty much it. Bye! 
Today is the first day I have blogged in three weeks!!! Why? Winter vacation of course! I didn't go anywhere, but I did have a lot of fun. I got a kindle fire for Christmas and a new pair of boots, also, on New Years Eve I went to one of the ONLY alcohol free dances in the whole city. I had so much fun counting down and dancing with my friends. I probably was going to go somewhere if I didnt have to perform and rehearse for Junior Company. I'm excited because we got a lot of extra rehearsing time over the break, so I got to perfect all my dancing and singing. I also watched the saints game, but we lost, ao I had to stay in the room with my mom while she mourned. I also learned that I can't go to Boomers because I have Junior Company, but it is a sacrifice I am willing to make. I have an audition coming up and I spent most of winter break preparing my song. I think I have just perfect. Also, I spent a lot of time spending time with my family, because I realized that the holidays aren't just about vacations, but about spreading the joy of the holidays with your family and friends. Merry (belated) Christmas! 
In computers we started a digital portfolio. On the digital portfolio you can find all my work from school, or at least the stuff that I do online. If you hover the mouse over classes, the drop down menu will display it. Not everything has any work yet, but it will soon enough. In the process of learning how to make the portfolio, I learned how to create a drop down menu, and take a screen shot. This will most-likely help me later in life. I think this was a smart thing to assign.
      I can;t wait to see my mom's face when I show her all the stuff that I made. Especially the things in computers, I know she would enjoy that. I think my grandma would be happy to see what I am doing in school, also. This was a good learning experience and you can check it out, too. Also, by embedding powerpoints, I will be able to see the powerpoint I have made and show it to my family. Isn't that awesome? Well, that's all. Toodles!
       Today I had a rehearsal, and I would tell you all about it, but I missed it. I was crying all day and had no strength to ride my bike 4 miles tot he rehearsal space. My grandpa died yesterday, the Chemotherapy was a little too much for him. My grandma is extremely depressed, and she is feeling worse and worse. I think I may be getting sick, sick of being alone, sick of having noone to depend on. I'm tired of it, and I need love and support more than a lot of people. Anyways, I texted my director and told him that the understudy will need to teach me anything we learn. I think he knows my situation. Still, he was upset, because if you miss an 8 hour rehearsal, you miss a lot.
       I have almost decided on putting my grandma in an old folk's home. She really needs some more care. She stays at home, now even though she should be in the hospital. "Riah, baby, when I die you get anything I own, it ain't much, but what there is it all goes to you." She told me that yesterday. I inherited anything my parents left, I never really thought about it, but I haven't heard anything of a fortune, so my spirits haven't yet been lifted. I talked to my grandma, and said, "Didi, have you ever thought about going to a retirement center?"
"Baby girl, I think about it everyday. But I wouldn't dare leave you by yourself."  thats all I got out of her. I have a piano lesson now, I haven't practiced. -Riah.